Sunday, September 13, 2009

Why does Aisha Haadi need biological components for her spells?

Asking for the right biological components is the sign of honesty of the spellcaster you contacted as no effective spell may be cast without using material components related to the problem the spell should solve. Aisha Haadi, just as many other experienced spellcasters, needs some components from you in addition to everything else she needs to complete the ritual and create the talisman. Without components, no spell can be even remotely as effective as it is when they are used.

1 comment:

truthseeker said...

When I was younger I used to read a lot of witchcraft books and even dabbled with magic myself (I guess everybody did?) Gave it up when I got older but from what I remember biological materials are very important of love magic. The fact that Aisha Haadi needs all those things convinced me somehow that she is real. Thanks for sharing your insight.